I got this dating advice from a newsletter I subscribed to. Please tell me if it will ever really work in INDIA. When you see a girl you like and want to meet, walk up to her and ask: "Hey, I got a quick question. Do you read your horoscope?" Then ask her sign and say "Hmmm. That's interesting. Well, I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but you know what they say about Pisces (for example)?" By now she'll be really interested. Follow up by saying "Pisces women are the most sexual women out there." Watch her reaction, and then follow up with a story to get the conversation flowing. Here's one I use: "I know this because my ex girlfriend was a Pisces,and she was the most sexual woman you'll ever meet. We used to have so much fun together, doing all sorts of wild things,she was totally open to doing anything. I used to think it was just her, but every Pisces woman I've dated has always been really fun and sexual. What's the wildest thing you've ever done?" continued: See how that works? You set it up so that you present her with a role you want her to adopt (being sexual and fun and open to anything), and show it in a positive light. And even if she doesn't agree with your assessment of her sign, you're getting her to share with you what wild stuff she HAS done. Before you know it, you're in a conversation!
Other - India - 2 Answers
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1 :
nah !
2 :
Sorry man, but India is not the place to go to try to pick up lady's. Its damn near impossible